| English-Khmer Dictionary
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The largest and complete English-Khmer dictionary
English-Khmer dictionary is a free English to Cambodian translation with speaking sounds, explainations, examples, pronunciations, Khmer to Khmer definitions and Khmer to English translations.
By Chanbo Keo
Khmer Love Connection:
| សាប | | 1. to sow (seed)
| | | | 2. kind of fish trap to catch small fish
| | | | 3. bland, not salty (enough), tasteless
| | | | 4. powerless, valueless, ineffective
| | | | 5. swearing, vow, oath
| សាប៊ូ |
| soap
| |
| soap
| សាប៊ូប្រតិកម្ម |
| saponification
| សាប៊ូឆ្អាប |
| laundry soap
| សាប៊ូក្រអូប |
| perfumed soap, bath soap
| សាបេក្ខភាព |
| relativity
| សាប់ |
| 1. to hash quickly into small or thin pieces
| |
| 2. to row fast, to paddle with fast strokes
| |
| 3. to blame frequently
| |
| 4. to recite quickly
| សាប់តែមួយសំទុះចប់ភ្លាម |
| to finish a recitation in a short time
| សាប់ព្រឹកសាប់ល្ងាច |
| to blame all day long, to blame constantly
| សាប់ទំពាំង |
| to hash bamboo shoots
| សាប់ច្រវាព្រមៗគ្នា |
| to paddle simultaneously
| សាបរពប |
| tasteless, powerless, valueless
| សាបស្រូវ |
| to sow rice
| |
| to broadcast rice (seeds)
| សាបសូន្យ |
| absence, ruined, totally destroyed, eliminated, vanished
| សាបតេយ្យ |
| wealth, property
| សាបាន |
| swearing, oath; to swear
| សាបវាទ |
| oath, sworn statement
| សាបវាទី |
| person who tends to support his statements with oaths
| សាបឈ្លោម |
| tasteless, bland
| សាបឈឹង |
| not salty at all
| សាបមាត់ |
| 1. to have a desire to eat
| |
| 2. to have an uncomfortable feeling in the mouth (as when one has given up smoking)
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| to have a strong or hearty appetite
| សាបកៈ |
| swearer
| សាបកម្ម |
| swearing