Apple iPhone
 Android Phones
English-Khmer Dictionary: Now you can lookup English-Khmer Dictionary online while you are at school or at work. Use any computer or any portable device that has a web browser to lookup our online Khmer dictionary. Of course, you must have internet connection for the word lookup to work.
The following devices have been tested and supported:
- MS Windows operating systems: desktops and laptops
- Linux operating systems
- Apple Macintosh desktops and laptops
- Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, iPod Touch
- BlackBerry Phones
- Android Phones
- Any device with a web browser
Khmer-Khmer Dictionary: Khmer-Khmer Dictionary is now available. The following devices have been tested and supported:
- MS Windows operating systems
- Apple Macintosh operating systems
- Linux desktop operating systems
Khmer-English Dictionary:
- MS Windows operating systems
- Apple Macintosh operating systems with Khmer Fonts and Keyboard installed
- Linux desktop operating systems with Khmer Fonts and Keyboard installed
- Apple iPhone, iTouch, iPad
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