| ស៊ីរែក |
| to take both sides (in a game)
| ស៊ីរះសងខាង |
| to be able to obtain interest or profit from both sides, to be able to satisfy both sides, to obtain sympathy from both sides
| ស៊ីរះទាំងសងខាង |
| to be two-faced in that one tries to please both sides in order to receive benefits from each, to doublecross
| ស៊ីរ៉ូប៍ |
| syrup
| ស៊ីរ៉ូប៍រាវ |
| thin syrup
| ស៊ីរ៉ូប៍ខាប់ |
| thick syrup
| ស៊ីរាត់រាយ |
| sloppy eating, messy eating
| ស៊ីរាក់ |
| to have a shallow draft (of a ship)
| ស៊ីរវះរវាម |
| to eat constantly (like a pig)
| ស៊ីដល់ក |
| to eat and get filled right up to one's throat
| ស៊ីស្លា |
| to chew betel (with a lime solution, areca and tobacco)
| ស៊ីស្លាកំជាប់ពាក្យ |
| to make an agreement (usually an engagement to marry) binding by a symblic betel ceremony
| ស៊ីសោហ៊ុយ |
| to require a high expenditure of money, to be very expensive
| ស៊ីសំ |
| to eat the slimy substance off the skin of a certain kind of fish
| ស៊ីសំណែន |
| to eat food after it has been offered to the spirits, to receive a bribe
| |
| to accept a bribe, to be corrupt
| ស៊ីសំណូក |
| to take a bribe, to be corruptible
| |
| to receive a bribe
| ស៊ីសាប់ |
| to require a high rate of rowing in order to gain speed (referring to a kind of racing boat)
| ស៊ីសាច់ |
| 1. to consume meat
| |
| 2. to be very angry, to be in an extreme emotional state (of anger, hate, etc.)
| ស៊ីសាច់ខ្នង |
| to receive a bribe
| ស៊ីសាច់គោអាំងក្លែមស្រា |
| to eat grilled beef while drinking wine
| ស៊ីសឹក |
| Chinese gambling cards, of four colors: red, green, white and yellow
| ស៊ីសុសសាច់ |
| to have pain all over (every part of the body)
| ស៊ីសង |
| to gamble, gambling, betting
| ស៊ីខ្វាត់បំបាត់ពន្ធ |
| to steal collateral tax money
| ស៊ីខាវ |
| to be filled by a wind from the side (of a sail)
| ស៊ីតូប្លាស |
| cytoplasm
| ស៊ីតូច |
| to spend stingily, to eat frugally