| English-Khmer Dictionary
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The largest and complete English-Khmer dictionary
English-Khmer dictionary is a free English to Cambodian translation with speaking sounds, explainations, examples, pronunciations, Khmer to Khmer definitions and Khmer to English translations.
By Chanbo Keo
Khmer Love Connection:
| ក | | first consonant of the Khmer alphabet
| | | | neck
| កេរ |
| a story, (a piece of) gossip
| កេរ្តិ៍ |
| 2. heritage, inheritance
| កេរ្តិ៍ (= កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះ) |
| 1. reputation
| កេរ្តិ៍ដំណែល |
| inheritance
| កេរ្តិ៍សម្បាច់ |
| inherited reputation
| កេរ្តិ៍ខ្មាស់ |
| genitals
| កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះ |
| reputation
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| reputation, renown
| កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះដឹកដាម |
| dishonorable reputation
| កេរ្តិ៍ឈ្មោះអាស្រូវ |
| dishonor, disgrace, bad reputation
| កេរ្តិ៍ល្បី |
| renown, glory
| កេរ្តិ៍កោះ |
| heritage, inheritance, posthumous honor, glorious heritage
| កេរខ្មាស |
| genitals, parts of the body which should be covered
| កេរខ្មាសប្រុស |
| male genitals
| កេស |
| hair, hair-do (royal)
| កេសរ |
| the long hair around an animal's neck, mane
| កេសរសីហ |
| lion with a long mane
| កេសរផ្កា |
| pollen (of flowers)
| កេសរកូល |
| iridaceous plants
| កេសមន្ទា |
| to get a haircut (royal)
| កេសនាលី |
| capillary
| កេសនាលីសី |
| lymphatic capillary
| កេណ្ឌ |
| 1. to mobilize, to order, to command
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| 2. to bode, presage
| កេណ្ឌរេហ៍ពល |
| to mobilize troops
| កេណ្ឌរាស្ត្រ |
| to arm the people, to call up men and mobilize them
| កេណ្ឌពិរុណសាស្ត្រ |
| that part of the science of hydrology which deals with predicting rainfall
| កេណ្ឌពល |
| to mobilize forces, to draft soldiers
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| to recruit forces, to mobilize an army
| កេតុ |
| flag, omen, sign, light, jewel, star, name of a star